Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Egg Drop Challenge and Beyond

Wednesday June 25

Okay, let’s get this straight. This author is one of the vocalists so I will add my name “Anny” to the list of crooners from yesterday's post. Last night we saw the piano at the Francis Ford Coppola resort, near the bar and after a nod from the smiling des clerk Alecia, Jean and I began to sing a few songs- mostly spiritual- and I played piano. We were well-received and even officered the opportunity to do it again the next evening!

So back at Pine Ridge Cabins we are sitting in the meeting room where yesterday after figuring out who were the guardians, artisans, idealists and (what?! No rationals?) we dropped our straw-wrapped egg contraptions. One group actually succeeded!

Great breakfast! Fruit: mangos, pineapples, papayas, bananas, granola, yogurt(!), PB and J, honey, pecans and tea/coffee. So good. Everyone is in great spirits and the discourse is lively.

Oh yeah, Bob noticed cashew-laden tress outside the cabin. What an interesting group of teachers: Aaron lived in Uganda with a family for 5 or 6 months and has a lot to share in that regard. His given tribal name is Ntale (lion). The teachers are compassionate, supportive of one another and fully engaged with the WLS activities/offerings.

Okay back to the present: Just got back from a sweet hike to Big Rock Falls. There were two groups and two routes: one easier and the other one harder and more slippery. The falls were very full and we all made it, swam to our hearts’ content and posed for a photo by Bob.

Delicious lunch: burgers, bow-tie macaroni salad with lots of cilantro and cucumber, caramelized onions, tomatoes and good fresh butter-leaf lettuce, horchata and cookies, oh and baked beans- a little eggplant too.

We all took a power break, Alecia and Aaron in hammocks and the others just kickin’ back. After lunch people headed back out, this time to the most impressive best swimming hole that I’ve ever been to: Rio on Pools. First of, the name “On” for a river is cool, so many choices of where to swim, great clear warm water, smooth and long, gentle water slides. Bob and Matt ventured down river with some of the group following. Those who ventured were greeted by pristine pools with no one there, little beaches for future picnics and more great scenery. Then on to Rio Frio Caves- vast, huge and a big sandy beach with informative explanations by Matt under the stalactites, gorgeous views looking out from inside the caves, leaf cutter ant freeways…

Then on for a return to Blancaneaux for a cup of beer, mojitos with mint or basil- grown in the garden which we toured and saw cauliflower, tomatoes, citrus fruits, lemon grass, lettuces and various other produce which according to the Spanish speaking farmer was grown with organic pesticides that come in a bottle and are “very caro”.) Oh yes and I had jaquan juice- a local favorite. Elizabeth had pineapple juice and naughty David took a dip in the infinity pool- I should’ve stuck with him! Harrison played the piano- Old tyme to Ragtime and Alecia, Jean and Anny sange. We all sang on the bus- “Take it easy”, “Stop what’s that Sound”, “California Dreaming” and more. Mmmm, I hear there’s guacamole and diner is being served. Ciau!

--Anny Owen

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